The first "squish" (square+wish=squish) is from our good buddy, Stacey, in Washington state. She has a little girl with port-wine stain too.
Squish #1 is Americana print. It has a nice long wish too.
Here's Stacey's wish for Reese:
"Welcome Home" by Michael F. Anderson
Tonight as you lay sleeping for the first time in your bed,
I feel there's something lasting and profound that should be said,
But nothing I can think of seems quite fitting so instead,
Welcome home, my child, at long last, welcome home.
Welcome home from every yesterday, from every then and there,
To the now and evermore that's here for you.
Welcome home to true belonging, to together times we'll share,
And countless family thing that we will do.
Welcome home to every hope and dream just waiting to be yours,
To hands that long to guide you as you grow.
Welcome home to all the memories we'll make of every day,
To loving ties, however far you roam,
To joys we'll give each other, to the blue skies and the gray,
To all these things and more, now welcome home.
Tomorrow when you wake up a brand new life will start,
A life in which you'll always be a very special part.
So sweet dreams, and one more from the bottom of my heart...
Welcome home, my child, forever...welcome home.
Dear Reese,
May you find peace, happiness, and joy in your life and always remember that you are loved.
With all our blessings,
Stacey, Rachel, and Erin Joy Simmons.
Thanks for the squish!
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