I've begun really putting all of the front together. So far, I have 3 of the 7 rows finished. Then I have to do the borders around the edges. Then it's a matter of getting batting and backing and putting it together. Should be interesting. If you have any tips please email me or leave a comment. :)
I don't know why I've suddenly wanted to get this finished, but I do. Maybe it's that I have about half a dozen other quilts I'd like to do, but I'll feel bad if I set this one aside to do this. Go figure, my possibly largest quilt EVER will be my first. Yeah, intelligent, I know.
I plan on using the scraps from this quilt to make a "crazy quilt" at approximately crib/toddler size.
The sashing in between the squares is exactly the same color as the walls are painted in her room. I was going for something in the same area, but I never guessed it'd be exact.
On another note, I am making a 100 Good Wishes Quilt for my 3 week old nephew, Jonathan. He's a biological baby and was a pleasant surprise for my sister and brother-in-law. I am currently collecting squares for his quilt, same specifications as for Reese's quilt, if you'd like to donate to it. My sister has always had trouble getting pregnant, her first 2 children came about with some help, and this was her first baby she hadn't had to have medical intervention to get pregnant with. You can see pictures of him at Journey with Reese. Donations would be greatly appreciated.